After many discussions with friends seeking advice to keep the blue meanies out of their computers whilst taking full advantage of the internet, I present this guide for all the things needed to stay happy and healthy.

My likes change somewhat frequently as new technologies develop and past warriors become either sloppy or too big for their britches, so I will try to keep this up-to-date.

NOTE: These are my personal suggestions and what I use.  There are absolutely no affiliations and endorsement links between Cooperweb and any of these products.

This is how it fares with me for 2012.

Keith Cooper 
("a nice place to park it") 





firewall anti-virus  tools  spyware browser  search must -have alternativescooperweb  wisdom



I had been a big fan of Zone Alarm for years.  I have purchased licensing for full featured product.   Windows Firewall is too easily defeatable IMHO and not as stealthy as I prefer.

For you tech toddler's out there, a Firewall guards the ports of your PC. Imagine an old time switchboard with the wires and plugs for connections.  You don't want just anyone plugging into your switchboard and listening to your internet business.  The Firewall stands guard and inspects where info is coming from and going to.  The best ones go one further ... it ignores unwanted incoming pings and prods so the internet actually doesn't realize that your computer is even on the internet. Cool beans, right?

I had two problems with Zone Alarm.  They removed the easy and convenient STOP button that disconnected your PC from the internet while you went to pee.  And they auto billed me via PayPal by surprise (to me) at a higher cost than they were offering on their homepage. Buh-bye.

I recommend COMODO FIREWALL.  It is less annoying while learning your internet needs and allows, and if you want, it displays much more network information than it's competitors.  It also allows you to stop new traffic and work on what you already have going (Downloads) or shutters the connection until you tell it to go online.

You can test your Firewall on a handy site called 
It will test common ports, all service ports, Windows annoying messenger service and much more.  Try it out once just to hear it tell you that you are completely stealth on the internet and how cool it is that you ignore errant incoming requests. Makes you warm and fuzzy.



Surely you know something about AV's.  Basically what information you do allow into your PC is checked by your AntiVirus  This works by comparing the information to a list of sites and algorythyms known to be harmful.  If there is a match, it will be quaranteened and you will be notified.  If you cannot be sure of what you have downloaded then accept it's wisdom.  There are rare false-positives but do not fool yourself because it sounds really cool.  Other things like certain core utilities and serial cracks will get flagged because they behave badly by design.

People are misled a lot when one program finds things or doesn't find things and another finds a few more.  Does this make the second one better?  Not neccesarily,  This is because they do not all work from the same lists.  Each company develops their own. This is why you should not go with just one.

But the rule of thumb is, it is unwise to run more than one live as an up-to-the-minute sentry.  Mainly because AntiVirus programs also are fiddling in a way that sets off alarms for other AV's. It's the nature of the beast.

Ask any good tech and they will tell you Norton, the leading corporate AV solution has sunk to a new level of craposity.  It basically blows now.  If you ask a soft bellied bearded tech, he will wax on about how great Peter Norton was and what a godsend NAV was when he built, owned and developed it. then he wrote a couple hundred books, sold it and it's declined ever since.

There are many free solutions that are more than capable to do your dirty work.  I have recommended and loaded AVG on clients system, and AVIRA. Either of them work in a live environment.  They offer some Spyware coverage as well.  Recently I have taken a look at an old friend that I thought was down for the count. AD-AWARE.  Any of these three should be sufficient for your needs.  I apologize to the Gateheads but I can't trust Microsoft's light, late additions to the game, though using them as well shouldn't be a problem.


It doesn't hurt to run a full scan now and then with a secondary stand alone AV program.  New to the game are one's that use "CLOUD" servers to analyze suspected files.  A problem with infections is the more clever ones either shut down your AV program or in Norton's and others, make s it look like it's updated and doing it's job, but it isn't.

I suggest trying out and purchasing HITMAN PRO 3.5, which will do a quick scan at startup and whenever requested by you.  By checking the files on a set of Cloud servers means the infection cannot screw with it.  And it can be run without being in safemode or Cmdline.

The other favorite is Housecall by TrendMicro. It is a web based java scan that has brought back more than a few hopeless blue screened losers from the brink of format and restore.  The online scan is free.

Note: Never never freaking ever click on a free PC scan pop up, especially if it looks all Microsoft official. Get to know your security pop up  styles and refute all others.  When browsing and you get one, carefully check that the mouse icon osn't a fingered hand all over the box instead of just over the corner X. Better yet, do like I do and hit Alt-F4 to close the box abruptly.


I recommend loading these product to have at the ready when trouble strikes.

  • MALWAREBYTES  (Other kinds of Malware, trojans, backdoors)
  • CCLEANER  (Removes histories, temp files, internet caches...etc)
  • HiJACKTHIS  (Creates a snapshot of your PC for troubleshooting)
When infected, use them along with HouseCall and HitmanPro.  Then whatever is found, "Google" it to see how to be sure it is completely removed.  Clever trouble makers will morph into new named files at every use making it harder to nail down and destroy.  Some need secial instructions and programs. (Just don't get fancy and click on advertised scans on these pages.  Even if they really scan they won't help until you dish out 29.95 and you don't need to.

Make sure you always update the definitions.
On a side note: CCLEANER has some nifty free tools built in.  There is a registry cleaner but I caution you to use it sparingly.  While a clean registry is admirable, there is always the slightest change something needed might slip through.  The average user cannot always tell what the gibberish means and one deleted system entry can render your computer OS useless. Capish?

HiJackThis! scans a snapshot of what is going on in your PC. Make one right away (Save it as a text file) and if malware is plagueing you, make another to compare.  Basically it is very useful for geeks who try to help you online when your at your wits end.


Mainly the difference is ... Virus', Greyware, Malware, Trojans, BackDoors are viciously coded buggers that either try to destroy your computer or extract info from it. Other times it uses it to do it's dirty work such as server attacks and so forth.

Spyware may have elements of the same, but it's main attraction is to disturb you by opening the door to errant attacks of adverts for Viagra and Mail order Brides. Scams and more scams.

Most security programs cover a variety of protection but there are programs mainly for one and for the other.  Also browsers now have started helping out (Like when Firefox stops a page from loading because it is unsecure or flagged for being a malware site in disguise.

AdAware is a good example of a product that tries to handle a variety of trouble.  I find most Spyware programs to be over colorful and talkative.  But I have been using SuperAntiSpyware for a while.   SPYBOT S&D seems to have outlived it's usefulness.  The free version of SuperAntiSpyware is run on demand and only the paid version runs live all the time.


Don't kid yourself, there is a browser war going on.  Microsoft's IE (Internet Explorer) cannot be removed (clever anti-trust move) but should never be seriously considered as a safe browser. At least not yet.  IMHO.

As you may of heard, FireFox is again a hearty competitor in the browser wars. (Mozilla-Spyglass-Netscape ... remember Netscape?)  Now Mozilla is back with FireFox,  It is faster and cleaner and safer to be sure, but damn, it updates soo often.  And for me it changes my homepage with every major version auto update.

Google Chrome has made a splash as well and is a rising star. With it's hipster Web 2.0 and HTML 5 chrominess ... hard to resist?  TRY HARDER!   Google owns about half of everything technical now and is determined to mine every bit of information out of you as it possibly can.  Google is the Facebook of browsers and Facebook is the Google of social media.

Now if you really must taste that Googly Chrominess I recommend COMODO DRAGON. It is a wonderful browser built on Google Chrome API.  I am not sure if Goog has it's greasy meat hooks into your information via their API, and it wouldn't surprise me, but it just feels better to shun the industry leaders.  And you will love COMODO DRAGONS settings and layout. Very clean and very fast.

And Opera is still out there as well along with a hundred others. Way back I reviewed a slew of browsers mainly to view web page differences in client's sites, and it really ran the gamut from "Okay"  to "Okay, how do I uninstall this mess?"

My preference in order from best to least

  • Comodo Dragon
  • FireFox
  • Opera
  • InternetExplorer


 I'll be brief here. 
Google Search has amazing interactive doodle things on notable dates and unless you fudge it all up with iGoogle crap, it is still pretty clean.  Before Google a site caled AltaVista was all the rage.  They invented clean interface.  They are still around but no idea how their search algarythym functions.

Yet, Google who had an amazing system of finding and sorting your searches has now fiddled the hell out of it. Corporations now pay for placement, hackers try new ways of upping their sites.  When you search for Grateful Dead you may get top returns from Euthanasia adverts to Pet Cemetaries.  Balderdash, I say.

Bing?   Bang! Burn!

Yahoo, MSN, AOL and the other dozen?  Cluttery old school crap. They are "all-in-one" mine fields of ads and clutter, news and infotainment ... you went there for something specific didn't you?

If you have heard of then consider yourself slick. You hipster you.  A one man developed tour-de-force, this search engine works fine. Culling info from it's self and others behind the scene. Ultra clean  and even has a goofy logo.  You can even target other engines from the input ...such as ...  BUSH SR. PUKING IN JAPAN  !bi   This will return images from Bing by adding the !bi

Most importantly it is dedicated to your privacy by not saving anything from your usage.  It is this policy that caused it's usage to triple just a few days after Google annouced they planned to collect and combiner all your info (your emails in and out, all your youtube watched histories, all your search engine entries, Your Google+ convos) in order to more efficiantly deliver you relevant ads that you never click on.  Trouble is with recent laws passed allowing the government to peruse these dosiers along with phone company information and ISP internet usage, it's just an easy easy abundance of personal information in which to "misunderestimate" one's intentions.  Comedians know what I am talking about.

Okay, screw it, I wasn't brief.  I recommend you try DuckDuckGo for a week and you'll adopt it as I did.

 I whole heartedly recommend these add ons

VuePrint for photos and slideshows.  It's now free! I have used it since 1997. It's not suppose to be photoshop but it's one tiny file, no installation needed. Drop it in your Windows directory and it delivers a very fast huge job.  Can be easily shared on photo CDs and such. You'll thank me, really.

Media Classic Player for videos.  Windows Media Player usd to be great ... about 5 years ago.  Now it's a gigantic mess that tries to do too much ...poorly.  If you bekon for the days of yore when the product did just what it was supposed to do, then I recommend Media Classic Player or the newest version Media Classic Player - Homecinema which also plays DVDs.

WinAmp for music files. The first and still a top contender.  Although plenty of skins and addons, keeping it simple is keeping it real,  It's not a freaking summer home, you just want to play CDs and MP3's.

Even though COMODO Firewall has an on off switch for your internet connection, This tiny program will make it easy to do such.  It runs in your bottom right taskbar and simply disables your net card which severs your internet connection. then toggles it back to enable.

Open source programming is a collective endeavor to create entire suites of programs where the code is available for inspection and changes encouraged.  Some groups adopt a version and take off their own way. This is how the OS Linux works, survives and improves.  Some favorites:

LibreOffice  Can't afford Microsoft Office but want all the tools? And would like to be able to share Microsoft documents along with most others?  Well Microsoft isn't keen on this idea but here it is.  It even opens and saves .docx files and has all the same suite tools as MS Office 10.

GIMP  Can't afford Photoshop CS5?  Gimp is a powerful powerful photoshop like program that does have a learning curve but the price is well worh it. Free. Heck, if you never had Photoshop then it has the same learning curve.  Enjoy.

PrimoPDF by Nitro.  Want to read PDF's? Well use Adobe Reader like the rest of the world. Ah, but want to edit and create PDF's?  Use PrimoPDF. easy and breezy and works likea charm. Integrates with your browser as well.  When installing go slow and uncheck any toolbar add-ons and say no to installing Nitro PDF Reader because you probaly have Adobes already.

I'm a tour-de-force. Check out my freeware,  Just ignore the unobtrusive handy PayPal donation links. Who wants a few bucks out of gratitude for hundreds of hours of trying to make the internet smile?  Besides me, that is.

Adopt safe surfing habits.  No combination of security tools can absolutely keep you safe so don't develop a false sense of security.

  • Only download files from major reputable places like Cnet, MajorGeeks, Gizmodo Freeware and companies like HP, Dell, Microsoft ..etc.
  • Keep your programs clean and simple, don't yuck it up with add-ons, gadgets, things less pertaiing to what it is for.
  • Always scan your friends USB drive before copying and running files from it. (Easy to right-click the drive and choose Scan with ... from menu)
  • Stay away from BitTorrent, Limewire and P2P sites as they are rife with infections ... really bad ones too. Never click on a site advertising Serials and Cracks. Always check the address of a site you have "Googled" before clicking. Opt for the official sites or reputable over others.
  • Don't run things attached to emails that you weren't expecting.  Some clever ones are in .zip files and addressed from either your bank, UPS or FEDEX.
  • Always "Google" names and programs you haven't heard about. See if SCAM and TROJAN comes up on the first few pages.
  • Never accept toolbars when installing programs. Even mainstream apps  like Flash and Java which try to get you to install their or other tool bars. When installing READ EACH SCREEN before proceding.

There you go. Suggestions for other tech articles?




The download list

Below are the accompanying links to the recommended apps discussed to the left.

FIREWALL   (Hides your PC and prevents intrusions)


SHIELDSUP! Test your Firewall effectiveness. (Runs from site)

ANTIVIRUS choose one



AdAware (tested and dissapprove)

check out Hitman trial and use housecall when needed.

HitManPro 3.5  30-day trial

HouseCall by TrendMicro  (Run right from this webpage)





SPYWARE choose one



BROWSERS choose one

Comodo Dragon



Make homepage

MUST HAVES optional

VuePrint   (free) read page
15551888 serial number

Media Classic Player older version

Media Classic Player - Homecinema newer version




LibreOffice vs. Office 2010

Gimp vs. Photoshop

PrimoPDF vs. Adobe Acrobat


Applications, Games and Utilities



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