In compiling the web list, I tried to exclude sites that force download helpers and sites that had little to offer.  When these sites say free, they mean free.

On the rightside column, you will find websites hand picked for usefulness.

I regularly visit Give Away of the Day for handy utliities and the chance to check out a product before deciding to buy it,  These are not shareware or freeware programs, but brand products that allow ownage if registered within a 24 hour period.  (Registered to Give Away of Day, not to themselves)

As long as your system is intact, the full version program shall work.  Missing only are updates and support.  But as I found, a good program is worth buying.

Also, the comments are very useful in determining what is bunk and what is brill.  Often, if there is a free alternative that does the same or better job, the dedicated followers will duly report it.

As I am in the IT business, I have relied on HouseCall by TrendMicro to do what other malware programs fail.  An online Jave or Plug-in cloud malware scanner that finds and cleans problems, rather than find then ask for a purchase. 

HouseCall is a perfect companion to my flavor of the month cloud virus destroyer, Hitman Pro 3.5.


 I have been creating utilities, applications and games since I discovered Basic in the eighties.  I will admit I am stuck on Visual Basic 6.0, so sue me.

But my improvements please me and I offer my best creations to all as complete freeware.

Benefits of my freeware are as follows.

  • No Nag Screens
  • Full versions
  • No registry entries
  • No spyware
  • No gimmicks

Programs are either a single file or a file with a small directory of sound files.  Occassionally text files are created by the program for high scores,  user input and the such.  They always reside in the same directory as the program.  So, as always, uninstalling is as simple as deleting the file or files.  I believe this to be a great benefit to uninstall programs that meddle with registry.

I have a convenient PayPal account for donations and most programs will include a link button in the Help or About section.  I appreciate the support that lets me know I am doing a decent job. 

If inclined to donate, look for the link because I don't toss it in your face. And I appreciate a nice email just as much as a small donation, so no worries.



by Cooperweb

  • No registry entries
  • Ad Free
  • Spyware Free
  • No nag screens
  • Full versions
  • Complete uninstall by deleting file/dir
Written in VB6 and .NET

CWPOS  Invoicing System  (260kb)  Editors Choice
 For self-unemployed folk.  Create custom services list, Add clients, create projects, view and print. Saves invoices in easy HTML format.  Add your own branding to Invoices and program and you can add your signature onto the invoices if you wishl. One click to mark paid. 
Fun to use so why pay more? Why pay anything? 

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (Convenient Donate button on About page)


Roll 'em and Weep  (16,156kb)
An Unforgiving Dice Game
 You're a disallusioned east coast dandy who heads west to make your fortune gambling.  Roll 'em and Weep is chock full of side bet games and lotteries as you try to best a real pardner, or the wild west's first automated metal man. (1 or 2 players). Lots of options for game play and an elaborate story line slideshow to get you started.

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (No in-game link but thar's one to yer left, Gabby.)


Alphabet Soup (6,244kb)
 Two player find-a-word game. In-game online Dictionary for challenges.  It's a race to 500. Yes it doesn't seem like it would be intense but it is. As intense as scalding hot soup tossed into your eyes. Yes, I know.

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (No in-game link so test it out over there to your left..)


File Back Up Batch Maker  (3,248kb)
 Construct batch files to save your important data.  Batch file can be run in program or added to your MS task scheduler for daily. Lots of options / incremental / Can keep a live log of backups.

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (See PayPal link on this page if you wish.)


H.A.N.G.  (1,662kb)
Quiz hangman style
 Play and create your own quizzes.  A fast and simple quiz game in Hangman style. Play for coins trying to not to lose them all before ten questions.

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (No in-game link but thar's one to yer left.)


Cooperweb Derby  (4,808kb)
The unanticipated update
 Rewritten in VB.NET, this is a horserace game with a twist.  Simply that the guy at the window is a jerk. But you have an arsenal of underhanded, illegal and dubious factors in your favor. Earn billions and crash the game. Otherwise, try to leave with more than you came with. Have fun with the loan sharks, hitmen, dirty doctors and bribed officials. The early version is also available below.

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (No in-game link but thar's one to yer left.)


Stud poker anyone? Playing field is so customizable you'll never play in the same place twice.  Make your own rules or follow along with included game guide for abstract fun.  Lots of pretty presets mixed with the anguish of a gambling problem.

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (Donate button on this page)

HomePage Utility- (127kb)
Editors Choice  UPDATE 
Create default homepage that delivers the conveniance of your favorite search engine with your favorite site buttons.  No affiliation with search engines.  No ads, spyware, popups ..etc, Just pure helpful fun.  Great for work or home. 
Note: Update 2/2012 - Brand Homepage with your favorite Search Engine

FREEWARE with donations welcomed. 

BILL CENTER  (349kb)  Zip
Online Bill Payment assistant.  Tracks your monthly payments and delivers reports for fast year end tax information.  Launches utility website and holds the data needed for lighting fast transactions.  All data is encrypted.  Extra security options included.  Monthly bills done in under ten minutes. 

FREEWARE - PayPal donation button prominently displayed. :)

IPCC3(428kb)  Desktop IP Assistant
Quickly checks, releases and renews your IP addresses.  Checks your ISP address to your router as well. And will flush and register your DNS in case pesky malware has been rerouting your traffic. 

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (Convenient Donate button on bottom of  page)

US Presidents (4,265kb) Zip
Learn the U.S, Presidents. Quizzes and Trivia. Sound. Make your own trivia file. Learn facts and oddities. Includes 10 sound files and trivia text file.  Find easter egg to unencrypt trivia file and create your own. Keep all files in same folder and delete folder for clean uninstall. No donation button. 

FREEWARE. - Paypal donation welcome.

Yahtzee (1064kb)  Single Player version

 The classic game of Yahtzee. Two rounds per game. Saves highscore. 
Single game file. No install needed. Just download and go. 
Updated  version adds bonus Yahtzees. Added all hold button. Made hold color more distinctive. Bonus lights and more. 

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (Convenient Donate button on bottom of game page)

Classic Concentration  (1,417kb) .Zip - Version 2.0
 Dozens of puzzles. Hours of fun. One file and 12 .wav soundfiles.  Delete exe and sound folder for clean uninstall. 

Now plays three game rounds with payout images.

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (Convenient Donate button on About page)

Blackjack (808kb)  Single Player vs Computer

You know the game. You set the rules / Dealer win on ties? Dealer shows cards? 5-Card Charlie rule? Dealer stops at 17?.  Play up to 4 decks, or shuffle everyhand. You can also shuffle everyhand while counting down the cards. NO LIMIT betting and you start with 100 dollars.  This is not a gambling game ... just pure Cooperweb fun. 

FREEWARE - Paypal donation welcome

Quizzo (4,683kb) Zip
Make and play a variety of Quiz types. T or F, Multiple Choice, Choose a picture ... comes loaded with Quizzes and allows you to export and share the ones you make.  ZIP file contains the executable and a directory of pictures, text files and 11 sound files. Extensive help screens and lots of fun. There is no donation link in this so please consider clicking it here.   Editors Choice

FREEWARE. - Paypal donation welcome.

CWCinema(1340kb)  Zip 

Fast and fancy playlist theater for collected YouTube videos.  Create playlists, populate with YT links and watch without all the web distractions. 
Share your playlists via email. 
Actual videos remain on YT servers so this remains a small and cool program.  Can edit lists, add up to 8 videos at a time or singularly.

FREEWARE. - Paypal donation welcome

BONUS: Download these 4 text playlists and drop in same directory to get started. 

HTML Dual Imager  (328kb)  Easy HTML JS creator
 Tired of looking up code to rollover an image with link and need two images to change?

HTML Imager writes the Javascript code and copies to clipboard. You just have to hit the paste button. 

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (Convenient Donate button on page)

Piggy Piggy (Greedy) (322kb) 
Classic dice game involving greed and chance. Will you be your own undoing? You bet your ass you will.  App and 9 .wav sound files.  Delete directory for clean uninstall. . :) 

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (No Donate button on help page)

One-Arm Bandit (Slots) (488kb) 

 Another gambling classic. Animated slot machine that knows how to pay out.  Single app file. No install. Delete file for clean uninstall. :)  Updated: Now is movable on screen.

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (Convenient Donate button on help page)

Biz Card Plus  (408kb)  Clever Contact List
 Holds contact info and displays in user style preferences.  Links to website and email and includes a mini version for fast access as you work. Can include photo with contact. Saves CSV and handy printout for on-the-go. Imports/Outports CSV, GMail, Outlook, BizCard and VCF.

FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (Convenient Donate button included)

KeyMaster 2009  (1836kb)  Desktop Info Manager
KeyMaster is your desktop friendly reminder.  An array of info at your fingertips. Phone numbers, Passwords, Notes, ToDos, Social Networks, Forums, Banking, Web Links, Quick Window Console Apps.  Too helpful to explain. Plenty of security options in Admin tab.
[NEW] Re-released version 2.0
FREEWARE - PayPal donation welcome. (Convenient Donate button on page)

Kentucky Derby  (self-extracting archive) (2397kb)
More than a horse race game. Kentucky Derby is chock-filled with twists and dark doings.  You come to the track with a thousands bucks, but if you lose it you can always tap your bank loan officer.  But if that runs out, and if you dare, you can see the local loan shark .. but beware, you had better start winning at that point.   Once you have enough cash and fewer scruples, there are some local guys that can help you fix some races with drugs and even a "hit" on the horse of your choosing.  Gauge your success with the "Life Rating" gauge and work until you receive the "Big Check" presentation on your way to the Billionaires Hall of Fame.  The jerk at the window is all you need to egg you on and go for broke.  Good luck and if not .. well, your kids didn't need a college fund anyway.

FREEWARE - Paypal donation welcome

CompuName  (zip. 2 files) (52kb)
 Fun little program that suggests hybrid corporate technology company names.  Save favorites, add to the list for random generation.

FREEWARE - Paypal donation welcome. 



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