Time is a funny thing
if you’re psychotic,
or if you’ve no attachments
to the earth.
Time was,
I thought guiltlessly,
no more than currency,
not worth a second thought or a concern.
Time was legal tender,
just timber to burn.
Now the tables have turned.
Now Time spends me. |
I am easily moved
A touch of your finger
The wind from a word
Any word from your lips
A flutter of your eyelids
A kiss
A slap from either of your hands
Or a kick in the shins
When you’re wearing your heels
When I know that it’s coming
Because I know how it feels
I am easily moved |
There’s no chance of you walking through my door,
so there’s no need to take your picture
off of my refrigerator.
There’s no chance of our lips ever meeting,
so there’s no good reason
for me to stop eating
I love you so,
which I see would be inconvenient,
but as you don’t know,
and hopefully won’t,
if I can keep my secret,
you’ll get off easy.
She didn’t say it loudly
or proudly,
but rather,
as a matter of fact-ly.
She said, “Relax.
It’s all just part of the act.”
She cracked a smile
and she grabbed my ass.
I flashed a badge
and told her I was the dog catcher.
She didn’t laugh, exactly.
It was more like a cross
between a gargle and a cackle,
which was close enough
to the desired result
that I didn’t feel too uncomfortable
about our mutual crassness. |
(c)2000 William C. Haas
I stand at the counter
And stare at the menu.
I memorized it a long time ago.
It gives me information,
Not inspiration.
It tells me what I could eat,
Not what I should eat.
“What’s good today, Charlie?”
I ask Marty.
“The soup across the street.
Bring me back a bowl.
Don’t tell him it’s for me.
And don’t forget the crackers.”
“How could I?
They’ve struggled so hard for so long.”
All poems displayed are (c) Copyright 2003
Hozzola Productions and William C. Haas.
No part may be re-published without written consent of author, William
This includes paper and electronic means as well. Thanks.
"Two Kings" is a self publication
Bill's poetry and is available
purchase online. This
collection is
now available electronically
and can
be purchased by clicking
